How Can You Protect Your Information When Using Wireless Technology?

Wireless technology has made it incredibly easy to share information, access the Internet, and stay connected with family, friends, and business partners. This ease of use, however, comes at a price — your safety and security. It’s important to think about how you can protect yourself online and keep your information safe from people who might use it to do you harm or steal from you.If you’re like most people, you probably spend at least some time on your smartphone and other wireless devices every day. This can be extremely convenient, but it also means that you are giving more information about yourself to companies every time you connect to the internet using wireless technology like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. This makes protecting your personal information even more important when using wireless technology—here are five ways to protect your information when using wireless technology.

1) Keep Passwords Secure

1) Use Different Passwords for Multiple Accounts: It’s a good idea to have different passwords for all of your accounts, including your email and social media account. Keeping them the same only makes it easier for someone who might have access to one of those accounts to access all of them. In addition, make sure your passwords are strong and not something that can be easily guessed or cracked with a brute force attack. A strong password contains a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols. Make up combinations based on words or phrases in the dictionary– Password2 is not a secure password because it can easily be hacked through guessing methods or trial-and-error attempts. Be aware of Unknown Wi-Fi Networks: 2) Always be careful when you are accessing any unknown wireless networks. Hackers often set up Wi-Fi networks that look like they’re from a legitimate company but instead hijack your device and steal any personal information you may have entered on their website such as usernames, passwords, bank account numbers, Social Security Numbers etc. They also collect data about what apps you’re using or what websites you visit while connected to their network. 3) Avoid Public Wireless Networks: Try not to use public WiFi networks at coffee shops or airports when possible since they often aren’t secured well enough and are more likely to allow hackers access into your devices wirelessly.

2) Use Encryption

Encryption is the process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only authorized parties can read it. Encrypted messages are unreadable to anyone who does not have access to a key to decrypt them. In other words, encryption is the art of making sense out of nonsense, transforming data into something else in order to keep it secret from those who should not have access.

In this blog post, I will give you five ways you can encrypt your information when using wireless technology:1) Turn on WEP or WPA encryption on your home router2) Use HTTPS for encrypted web browsing3) Use Virtual Private Network (VPN) software4) Encrypt your email with PGP 5) Install VPN software on all devices 6) Watch for fake Wi-Fi hotspots

A big problem people encounter when using Wi-Fi networks is war driving. War driving is where someone drives around looking for unprotected wireless networks to connect to and gain access to network resources like internet connection, printers and even sensitive documents. You can avoid war driving by turning on encryption or changing your SSID so they cannot find you anymore.

3) Encrypt Phone Calls

Encrypt phone calls. No one wants their business transactions broadcast on an open, unencrypted line. Text messages are more secure because they use cryptography (a complex set of rules that encode text and often require a key to decode), but they may not be as easy or convenient. Encrypting phone calls isn’t that difficult – you’ll just need the right kind of software on your computer or mobile device – and it could save your personal data from becoming a hacker’s next prize.

1) The first step is installing the correct type of software on your smartphone or computer. You’ll either need an app for iOS, Android, Blackberry or Windows Phone 7,or a program for Mac OS X or Windows XP SP2+.

4) Browse Anonymously

The best way to protect your information when using wireless technology is not to use it at all. But if you want the convenience of wireless and want the ability to protect yourself, there are a few steps you can take. One thing you can do is browse anonymously or use a VPN service. A VPN (virtual private network) will give you an IP address that makes it appear as if you’re browsing from a different place. It also encrypts your traffic so hackers won’t be able to see your information. There are also software apps that allow for public Wi-Fi protection and content filtering. These apps help by blocking malicious sites and providing parental controls. You can even choose how much time you want to block these sites for. You can also disable Bluetooth on your phone so that no one else can connect without your permission. If someone does manage to get in, they’ll only have access to what’s stored on your device and nothing more sensitive than that.

5) Avoid Public WIFI

  1. Use a VPN
  2. Encrypt your data . Use different passwords for every account . Safeguard your fingerprint and voiceprint . Don’t share your SSN, address or phone number with anyone on the internet unless you know who they are (e.g., family) and what their reason for needing it is.
  3. Install antivirus and malware protection software from an unbiased provider . These can help detect and remove bugs that track your information back to you . Make sure that the programs you install don’t collect any of your personal data themselves. Remember to make use of these programs! If there’s one thing worse than being hacked, it’s not having any safeguards in place when something happens!


The use of wireless technology is increasing rapidly, as more and get onboard with the ease and convenience it offers. In fact, it is estimated that 80% of Americans rely on a mobile phone for their day-to-day needs. Many now rely on services like Google to do their banking, shopping and paying bills. Regardless of what form your wireless communication takes–phone, email or online shopping–you are at risk for cyber crimes such as identity theft if you don’t take precautions when using these services. To protect yourself from this type of crime, follow these tips:

  1. Never share passwords with anyone;
  2. Install security software on all devices used for communications;
  3. Log out of any account not in use (email, social media sites); 4. Change passwords often;
  4. Consider not storing any sensitive information in the cloud

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