How to Fix Pressure Spots on LCD Screen?

Pressure spots on LCD screens can be very annoying, especially when they’re in the middle of your screen and create an eyesore for you or cause trouble when you try to play games, watch movies or look at your photos. While pressure spots on laptop screens are fairly common and often caused by accidentally resting your palms on the keyboard while typing, pressure spots on LCD computer monitors and TVs are most commonly caused by accidental damage from objects hitting or falling on the screen.

What Are These Pressure Spots

It may be time for you to replace your laptop’s screen. Laptop screens are made of glass that is prone to cracking from pressure, so it’s important to take precautions against putting too much weight on the screen. The most obvious symptom of a damaged laptop screen is that there are bubbles or creases in the display, but pressure spots also cause problems with the monitor’s brightness and contrast. If your laptop has a pressure spot, then the solution is relatively straightforward: You just need to replace your screen.

How To Repair a Bad LCD Panel?

LCD panels are made of glass, and the liquid crystal is applied in a thin layer. As the display refreshes, the light passes through the polarizer. Liquid crystals will change their orientation in response to an electric field, which causes them to let more or less light pass through. The light that has passed through then strikes an array of thin film transistors (TFTs) that convert this voltage into a current for each pixel. This allows you to control what color appears at any given point.

Locate the spot

  1. Use a soft cloth or cotton swab with a little bit of alcohol, rubbing alcohol, or distilled water to clean the spot.
  2. Look for any smudges or dirt residue from the cleaning and make sure it’s gone.
  3. Rub your finger across the area in a circular motion, ensuring that you are reaching all areas of it and not just one spot.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 until all spots have been removed, then let the screen dry completely before using it again. 2 If there is too much pressure being applied to the screen, it can cause permanent damage by squashing the liquid crystals into a distorted form. It’s not worth trying to fix these screens; if your device feels like it’s going to fall out of your hands because it’s so heavy, it may be time to buy a new one.

If it’s a hairline crack

If you can see the crack well and it is only about a millimeter wide, follow these steps.

-Put a small amount of clear nail polish over the crack. (If it’s too wide for nail polish, use super glue.)

-Use a hair dryer or heat gun to seal the liquid at the edges of the screen.

-When cool, remove any excess with your finger and then polish over it with more clear nail polish.

If it’s a burn-in spot

A burn-in spot is caused by a static image being left on the screen for a long time. The bright pixels will burn in and become permanent. This can be caused by leaving your TV or computer screen on without changing what you are watching or doing, which is why it’s important to change up what you are looking at every once in a while.

There are two ways that this problem can be solved: replacing the screen with a new one or repairing the existing one. Repairing screens is more affordable than replacing them and will often fix the problem if it’s not too severe. However, if you have an older TV or computer that cannot be repaired, there may not be much option other than purchasing a new one.

Why does this happen?

The typical reason for a pressure spot on an LCD screen is when there are particles of dust or dirt that have been smudged by your finger and left behind. Dirt, grime, and oil from your fingers can also accumulate in the space between the glass and the sensor underneath it. If you try wiping away these particles with your hand, they will leave a fingerprint-like shadow in the same shape as your finger. The best way to clean this off is by using a dry microfiber cloth or eyeglasses cleaner.

Why don’t screen last forever?

LCD screens are designed with a fixed number of pixels that represent the picture. This is why you’ll start noticing pressure spots or other imperfections as the screen becomes older. The good news is that there are ways to fix these pressure spots and prevent them from coming back.

We recommend using a kit like our infixed Smartphone Kit, which has all the tools you need for any phone or tablet repairs, even if you don’t know what’s wrong with it. If your screen is cracked, we recommend purchasing a new one and replacing it yourself so that your device lasts longer and you won’t have to worry about more pressure damage from your fingers.

Is there anything we can do about it?

We can’t make the pressure spot go away, but we can make it less noticeable by changing the way you use your device. Yes, that means using your device with two hands. The pressure spot is caused by one hand being stronger than the other and will only be as bad as how much you’re using your device. If you’re worried about not being able to use certain apps or games because of this then don’t worry! Most of those are just one-handed anyways so enjoy them! Plus, it’s a good way to multitask!


Pressure spots can be caused by a build-up of dust or oil, which is why it’s important to clean your screen regularly. Once you’ve cleaned the screen, you can use a little bit of rubbing alcohol with a cloth and rub that over the pressure spot area. If this doesn’t work, try using water and rubbing it until the pressure spot becomes wet. You’ll want to allow the water or rubbing alcohol to soak into the foam for about 30 seconds before trying to wipe it away. If you’re still having trouble removing the pressure spot, try using some non-abrasive materials like rice or beans and put them over the area. Press down so they’re making contact with your screen’s surface then lift up gently until they come off without leaving any residue behind.

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